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Our Campaign’s Top Issues

Chico is facing critical decisions about our future, and we deserve balanced, practical solutions. Let's invest in infrastructure, rebuild our roads, and make Chico safer and stronger without overextending our budget. It's time for effective leadership, accountability and sanity in local government, compassionate solutions, and real results.

Quality Leadership

Chico deserves leadership that delivers real results, not the same recycled promises. The current city council has failed us, dodging accountability and offering band-aid solutions to the homelessness crisis.

Addressing Homelessness

By addressing the root causes of homelessness we free up critical resources. This doesn’t just improve public safety; it allows us to redirect funds to critical needs like building Fire Station 6.

Improving Safety and Infrastructure

Building of Fire Station 6 is of paramount importance: "when seconds count, it shouldn’t take minutes to arrive"—our fire department deserves the support it needs.